Here's the drum and the construction process, sorry it's so late, I finished about a week ago but have been working on other parts of this Sami Noaidi outfit.
Apologies in advance if the pictures are too big, I tried to size them down but couldn't get the code right.
The burl bowl, snagged it off of ebay with 7 minutes left on the auction for 10$ w/ 10$ shipping- and if you know anything about wood burls, it was a ridiculous stroke of luck. It's sitting in reindeer rawhide.

Handle cut out with a jigsaw (the first blade snapped because I didn't realise how thick the bottom was)
Holes drilled for the sewing
Reindeer rawhide soaked overnight, then I haphazardly cut a circle out with ample space
Weight kept on the rawhide to keep it still while I poked holes for the sewing in the rawhide. I have no awl, so I just hammered a nail into the rawhide a little bit >_>
Rawhide with holes. I poked each hole a few millimeters closer to the drum than was needed, so it'd sew on extra tight.
Artificial sinew with a large needle, fit better than expected
Sewing started, went as easy as you'd expect
All done, now to dry!


It turned out much better than expected. Once dried it was much tighter than I expected, especially with how I positioned the rawhide's sewing holes. Here's a crap quality sample of how it sounds (it's much louder than what the video sounds like)
I've been working for a while now trying to figure out what exact figures to paint on it and what they would mean and all that good stuff, may post a picture of the painted drum once I get it all figured out. I'm also working on an antler hammer for the drum, which is harder to craft than I anticipated (half of it broke off but that just adds character, or something). And the rest of the rawhide I used to wrap around a bow.